Why Work With Us | BuildWitt Jobs

Problems BuildWitt Jobs Helps You Solve

Written by Megan Hamilton | Oct 4, 2023 8:34:14 PM

Trying to find your next great hire isn’t easy—especially if you’re using a traditional job board. You’ve probably dealt with some (or all) of these recruiting problems:

  • Low-quality or spam applications
  • Waiting for the right candidate to find you
  • Lack of specialization
  • Trouble making your employer brand stand out
  • Too little value and unclear pricing
  • Expiring or unusable job posts
  • No analytics
  • Integration issues

Thankfully, BuildWitt Jobs can help you overcome these common problems and have a more seamless recruiting experience. Let’s see how.

Lack of specialization

All types of industries post jobs on traditional job boards, but the Dirt World is a highly specific niche. It’s easy for you to get lost in the shuffle amidst all those tech firms, warehouses, and fancy corporations. 

Translation: candidates can’t find you. Someone who’s perfectly qualified for your job openings might spend hours sifting through posts without seeing yours. 

That’s where BuildWitt Jobs comes in. Since we’re dedicated solely to the Dirt World, all of our member companies work in industries like excavating, construction, demolition, paving, utilities, mining, machinery, and more. And all of our job seekers are looking for work in those areas. 

Right away, that means you’re more likely to connect with someone who’s capable of and passionate about the work you do. And we’ve made it super easy for them to find you. Candidates can filter job postings by role, location, and Dirt World industry—so if you’re a good match, they can find you fast.

Low-quality or spam applications

Traditional job boards dump tons of applications on your desk. While that might seem good, sorting through them all can be overwhelming, and it’s not an efficient use of your time. 

On top of that, many of those applications are irrelevant because somebody checked a box that auto-submitted their resume to tons of jobs they don’t really want. Some might even be spam. (Seriously, who has time to sit around creating fake job applications?) 

With BuildWitt Jobs, we focus on quality first, then quantity. We’d rather connect you with 100 people who are a good fit for your organization than 1,000 people who aren’t. 

That’s why our job board is dedicated solely to the Dirt World—so you can connect with candidates who want to work in your industry. These folks are truly seeking careers in the skilled trades, so they’re already a better match. 

And when it comes to quantity, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered there, too. We’re already reaching millions of people online who are passionate about the Dirt World, and we’re telling them about BuildWitt Jobs. So you get access to a vast and targeted pool of candidates.

Waiting for the right candidates to find you

Sometimes, trying to find the right hire is a bit like trying to find Sasquatch. You know they’re out there, but where? You can’t find ‘em—and your other hiring tools want to charge an arm and a leg to do it for you. 

Before you go tearing through the woods to find your next heavy equipment operator or project manager, stop. Breathe. Then check out BuildWitt Jobs.

With our Pro and Premium packages, you’ll get access to the candidate search feature. It lets you find candidates you’re interested in rather than waiting for them to apply. 

It’s the perfect way to find people who haven’t seen your job posting yet—or to link up with passive candidates, who aren’t actively searching for a job but could be open to the right opportunity (like yours). 

And since candidate search is unlimited, you can use this feature to connect with as many candidates as you want. No hidden fees, extra charges, or pay-per-resume nonsense here!

Trouble making your employer brand stand out

On a crowded job board, it's tough to set your brand apart from everyone else’s. That can make it hard to attract talented workers who align with your culture and values.

You can create a fully customized employer profile on BuildWitt Jobs. That’ll help you show off your employer brand and attract candidates who will build your company’s culture with you.

Too little value and unclear pricing

Lots of job boards offer free options, but as the saying goes, “Nothing’s free.”  

Those free options are pretty basic. If you want to post more jobs or unlock features like candidate search to help you recruit top-quality people, you’ll have to pay extra. And those payments can get confusing. Some examples:

  • Monster has a pay-per-day plan and a $300 monthly subscription—but the subscription runs on credits that you can run out of. 
  • Indeed’s basic package is free, unless you want to sponsor your post to get more high-quality candidates. Then you’ll have to pay per application.  
  • ZipRecruiter hides their pricing on their website; you just have to “try it free” or talk to customer service. 

So with traditional job boards, it’s easy to get stuck with a package that’s too basic and doesn’t give you enough bang for your buck. It’s also easy to get sucked into buying too many add-ons that don’t add enough value.

When you’re paying for a job board, you need to know what you’re getting and how much it’ll cost. You need a good return on your investment. 

That’s why we kept our pricing dirt-simple for BuildWitt Jobs. Just pick the package you want, pay a flat rate, and start posting jobs the same day. We even tell you which features come with which package so you can pick the one that’s best for you. (Wild concept, right!) 

Oh, and by the way, if you opt into annual billing you get 40% off any package. 

Check out BuildWitt Jobs packages.

Expiring or unusable job posts

Most job boards—including Buildwitt Jobs—put a 30-day time limit on job postings. After that, they expire. If the position is unfilled, then you just pay to repost the same job. But what if you fill the position before the month ends?

Let’s say Heather posts a job opening for an operator on a traditional job board. The posting is good for a month, but she fills the position in two weeks. What happens to the posting? Blip! It’s gone even though she had time to spare.

With BuildWitt Jobs, you pay for a month and you get a month. So if you fill a position after a few days, you can edit your job posting and use it to recruit candidates for another opening at your company.

And on our annual billing plan, you don’t have to repurchase postings monthly. When the job posting expires after 30 days, you can simply renew it and keep on trucking. That’s it!

No analytics

Analytics tell you how your job posts are performing. The trouble is, not all job boards give you those insights. That makes it hard to know why you’re having trouble finding qualified candidates or how to improve your hiring strategies. 

BuildWitt Jobs gives you analytics so you can see how your job posts are performing. You can see how many people viewed your post and how many people applied, and that valuable insight can help you optimize your recruiting efforts. 

For instance, if your post is getting lots of views but few applicants, that’s a good sign something in the post is turning candidates off. You may need to edit it to show them why it’s a great job.

Integration issues

Chances are, you may already have an Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) or an HR management system in place. So what happens if job boards won’t integrate your systems?

Then you’re stuck spending twice as much time tracking things in your system and theirs. No thanks!

We want to help you make the hiring process seamless. Our Customer Success Managers (CSMs for short) will help you integrate BuildWitt Jobs with your existing ATS. You can also automatically import job listings from your current HR system—so you’re rearing and ready to go.  

Ready to find your next great hire? Start posting jobs today.