Aaron Witt

You’re invited to the first-ever Dirt World Summit

Written by Aaron Witt | May 4, 2023 2:23:14 PM

Do you thirst to connect with more industry leaders after CONEXPO but don't want to wait another three years?

Are you sick of the same tired conversations about workforce development?

Do you want to grow as a leader to better serve yourself, your family, and your business?

If the answer's yes, then do I have the event for you!!

But first . . . storytime!

BuildWitt Meeting #1

Let's rewind the clocks to 2019 when BuildWitt was only me and a few others running around the U.S. to tell the stories of anyone who'd have us.

Despite our lack of strategy, we met and developed relationships with many amazing people. After enough people suggested we arrange a meeting with these brilliant folks, we listened.

We booked a meeting room in Nashville, set a date, and invited seventeen executives.

Months later, fourteen showed up. We had no agenda. We planned to get everyone in the same room, ask questions here or there, but ultimately let everyone talk amongst themselves.

It worked!

BuildWitt Meeting Continued

Based on the success and positive feedback of our first meeting, we hosted another five meetings from 2020-2023.

Our goal has never been to become a peer group or meeting organizer—we've only hosted the meetings to further our mission of "making the Dirt World a better place."

The internet is great for scale, but the Dirt World still thrives on in-person communication and handshakes.

The Pitch

When Dan came to our board in January with the idea of hosting a 1,000-person summit featuring some of the best speakers in the world, I told him he was crazy.

Yes, I PUSHED BACK! I'm usually the insane one!

But I said I'd fully support the decision if he and the others could make the business case.

They did. And once they had the green light, they didn't run . . . they SPRINTED.

Within weeks, they had assembled a lineup worthy of any world-class leadership conference, chosen a venue, and already had an events company developing the plan.

So with that, here's what we have for you . . .


Welcome to the Dirt World's premiere leadership and human development event.

First, you'll gather in Houston, Texas, with 999 of the industry's best and hungriest leaders this October.

Second, you'll hear from some of the best in leadership:


Former special operations and military professionals teaching leadership skills learned from combat



CEO of Dale Carnegie, one of the world's leading purveyors in leadership development training



Author of Everybody Matters and CEO of Barry Wehmiller.



Best-selling author and world-renowned speaker on marketing and sales



Mining on the Discovery Channel for over a decade


Third, you'll hear from some of the best in the industry, including:


CW Matthews


Houston District Engineering





Elevate Construction





Hoopaugh Grading Company







And lastly . . . this event won't only fire you up—it will leave you with tangible takeaways you can immediately bring back to your life, career, and business.

Sign Up Now!

You won't want to miss this! Isn't that what all the event marketing emails say?

But seriously . . . People have doubted us for five years, and we've continued to deliver regardless.

Will it be perfect? Absolutely not. BUT we're doing everything possible to make this the best leadership and human-centric event in the Dirt World.

So whether you're an industry executive, a new foreman, or someone looking to develop yourself as a human being to get to the next level, the 2023 Dirt World Summit is for you.

Your future and the future of the Dirt World are worth the investment.

I'll see you in October!

Dirt Talk Podcast

Ken Rusk is the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Blue Collar Cash: Love Your Work, Secure Your Future, and Find Happiness for Life, entrepreneur, and blue-collar advocate “showing that there’s no degree required for comfort, peace, and freedom.” Ken never went to college and instead spent his younger years digging ditches and working in construction. Through hard work and patience, he’s become a very successful entrepreneur and now specializes in mentoring and coaching folks in goal setting, life visualization, career paths, and sound financial planning. Ken is passionate about helping people achieve their dreams regardless of their educational background or past.

This week on Dirt Talk, host @AaronWitt and Ken Rusk discuss the myths associated with the necessity of college and the systems in place to discourage young people from pursuing blue-collar careers. Ken speaks on why he felt called to write his book Blue Collar Cash and why he never considered himself an author, even after writing a book. Aaron and Ken also discussed the value of empowering teams to discuss and solve business problems independently from “the boss.”


In this episode of the vlog, we explored two unique construction projects in Hawaii with Goodfellow Bros, one of the premier contractors in the state!

We looked at a road widening project and a water treatment plant expansion, where we saw both the challenges and clever solutions in each unique environment.

From excavation to retaining wall construction, Goodfellow gave us an in-depth look at the processes and equipment used to build a better future for Hawaii's infrastructure.

I’ll see you next week!

Stay Dirty