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How Does BuildWitt Training Help Build My Company Culture?

construction manager and field staff

Many Dirt World leaders are working to build a good culture in their companies and their industry—a culture that will attract and retain a talented workforce for years to come. 

So, what if you had a training tool that could help you build that culture?

BuildWitt Training does just that by helping you: 

We’ll expand on these in a minute. But first, let’s consider why training matters for company culture.

Why does training matter for company culture?

construction manager and machine operators

Culture is the core of your company. It includes:

  • Your work (what you do) 
  • Your mission (why you do it) 
  • Your core values (how you do it) 

Company culture differs between organizations. So your crew members—even the experienced ones—don’t know this stuff when they enter your business. 

You have to teach them what you do, as well as why and how they should do it. You have to train employees to do the work your way. 

Training is also how you change culture. If things have gone wonky somewhere along the way, you fix culture by training people. You teach them, “We used to do it this way because X, but now we’re going to do it this way because Y.” 

Simply put, training is the key to creating and shaping culture. So with that, let’s look at how BuildWitt Training can help you craft a stronger company culture.

1. Get everyone on the same page

construction manager and field staff meeting

Most companies talk about culture a lot, but leadership’s definition of culture might not hit the whole company. 

That can happen because some companies don’t train the whole team or because there are disconnects between people and departments. Maybe you’ve seen some of these examples:

  • Foremen on different projects competing for materials and equipment
  • Divisions competing for resources and capital 
  • Field supervisors butting heads with crew members or office staff
  • Distrust between leadership and labor

It’s almost impossible to have a good culture when people see each other as obstacles to a job well done instead of what they really are—all members of the same team working toward a common goal.

Our customers often say they “need to get everyone on the same page,” and they use BuildWitt Training to help them do that. 

This simple-to-use software lets you deliver training content to your whole team regardless of role or location. You just click a button, and they get a text notification on their phone letting them know their new assignment is available.

When everyone gets the same training on topics like leadership, safety, technical skills, and core values, it levels the playing field. Now you've got a team that can work like a team.

2. Teach leaders how to build culture

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Leadership is responsible for culture. 

Good culture exists because leaders built it and taught it to people. Bad culture happens because leaders let it happen. (That’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s true.) 

Building a healthier, stronger company culture begins when leaders own the culture they’ve built (good or bad) and create room to improve it. 

BuildWitt Training gives them hundreds of lessons to help them own their role and improve their team’s culture. They’ll learn how to make plans, inspire their people, communicate effectively, delegate, manage their mental health, and develop other soft skills for successful leadership.

Our learning plans for leaders include:

  • An Introduction to Management - Managers learn about responsibilities like hiring, onboarding, and documentation
  • Field Supervisor: An Introduction - New field leaders learn the basics of their job tasks and how to lead a crew well.
  • Field Supervisor: Level 2 - Newer field leaders get a more in-depth look at communication, planning, and crew leadership. 
  • Leadership - Current and future leaders at all levels and in all roles learn necessary soft skills from experts like Jocko, Jason Schroeder, Bryan Peters, and more.

3. Train consistently

construction manager training field staff

When it comes to building culture, consistency is key. Your people need to see these things walked out day in and day out—not just at the annual team meeting. 

That means making training and employee development a daily activity! Daily lessons keep important topics—like safety, leadership, and communication—at the front of people’s minds.

Of course, getting everyone together for training can be a challenge. And you can’t shut down production to train for two hours a day. So BuildWitt Training uses microlearning, with 800+ preloaded video lessons that are typically five minutes or less.

Training more often for shorter amounts of time increases retention, so your crew’s technical skills and the overall company culture become more ingrained and easier to apply on the job.1 

That way, crew members can watch lessons on their own during a few minutes of downtime. Foremen can teach skills during toolbox talks with plenty of time left for Q&A. And leaders throughout the company can use these short videos to train their team anytime, anywhere. (Because let’s face it, you just can’t be everywhere at once.)

4. Store and share your way of working in one central location

construction content creation

Earlier, we mentioned uploading your own custom content. We've talked before about why this is so important, but it’s worth mentioning again. 

Basically, uploading your own content gives you the freedom to store and share your way of working in one central location so your whole team has easy access. 

Here are a few ways that can play out:

  • Address a safety issue you saw on the job within minutes—not at next month’s meeting.
  • Let the whole team know about a policy change.
  • Help field and office teams educate each other about what they do. The office can share content about HR systems and benefits, and the field can share what it’s like to walk a day in their work boots. 

When you upload content, it’ll go straight to your private content library—which is only visible to your people, not our other customers. From there, you can assign it to anyone in the company. You can also supplement your content with what’s in our BuildWitt Training Content Library. 

For example, you can pair our Safety: An Introduction learning plan with your own custom content about how to handle specific chemicals they encounter at your jobsites.

5. Give your people the “point of truth”

construction manager and superintendent

Did you ever play Telephone? 

Everyone sits in a circle, one person whispers a phrase to the next person, who whispers it to the next, and so on. Finally the last person reveals what they heard—which is usually not what the first person said. 

In elementary school, Telephone is funny. But in the Dirt World, it’s no game. When messages get distorted or lost in translation, there's a lot more at stake—revenue, client relationships, budgets, schedules, and especially people’s lives. 

Your people need a universal point of truth for all the skills, processes, and values that make up your culture. And that’s what BuildWitt Training gives them. 

When they get conflicting information, they can say, “One guy told me I need a climbing harness, but someone else says I don’t. I’m going to check for myself.” Then they can watch a safety video that gives them a definitive answer.

And when you upload content to share your company’s specific point of truth, that’s also a great way to increase communication from leadership to the field. It lets leaders get more “face time” with their people when they can’t be everywhere at once.

6. Reinforce core values 

construction manager and crew

Leaders often have the easiest time recalling and discussing the core values that are at the heart of their company’s culture.

However, the core values that are so ingrained in your mind may not be as familiar to everyone else. Especially when your organization grows to a size where it’s hard to get everyone together for training. 

It's up to you to teach your people what your core values are and how to practice them every day. So, how do you do that? 

Use BuildWitt Training to help you create consistent messaging about your core values company-wide. You can share your own content that directly addresses your core values. Or, use our 800+ preloaded lessons to reinforce your values. 

For example if you're teaching the value of “Quality matters,” you can have crew members watch a learning plan that’s made for their specific role, like Laborer: An Introduction or Grade Checker: Level 2. That way, they know what quality looks like in the tasks they do day-to-day.

You can also use BuildWitt Training during classroom sessions or seminars to deliver practical examples of how company values play out in daily work. Show a video to get the conversation started or to sum up the main points of the lesson.

7. Make training useful and fun

Construction manager and field staff

Building a healthy culture through effective training shouldn't be a slog—for you or your people. 

BuildWitt Training comes with loads of useful features that make it easy for admins and crew members to use:

  • Assignments lets admins distribute training quickly and efficiently.
  • Analytics lets admins track how people are training.
  • Assessments and quizzes help measure your team’s progress.
  • Learning Hub helps your people keep track of their assignments.
  • Self-Assign lets them bookmark training to watch later.
  • Spanish subtitles make training accessible for more crew members.

Each piece of preloaded content is also vetted by multiple subject matter experts with years of experience working in the field—so the training is relevant and practical. 

Plus modern, short video lessons make training fun and easy to digest. Why does that matter? Because learning is not just sitting in a conference room looking at a slideshow. Instead, learning should be an engaging, daily practice that just takes a few minutes to complete.

8. Give your people personal development

randy blount

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, training is one of the top three workplace rewards construction workers crave.2 

Most of your field laborers (and even a lot of your office staff) probably didn’t go to college. They didn’t have the traditional education that some of the college grads in leadership did. They’re counting on you to train them.

With BuildWitt Training, you’re giving them construction college, and it’s free for them. That’s an incredible opportunity for your people. (It’s also a good investment for you.)

And they’ll get personal development, too. That’s super important, because personal development is one of the best types of training you can give your people—especially if you’re trying to create a better company culture. 

BuildWitt Training gives your people lessons they can take with them for the rest of their lives to be great employees and great people. They’ll learn things like how to:

With these lessons, you’re giving your people the tools to learn, grow, and develop to be the best versions of themselves they can be. And when your people are their best, your company’s culture will be its best. 

Try BuildWitt Training for free

buildwitt training app free

Want to see how BuildWitt Training can help you level up your company’s culture? There’s no better way than to try it firsthand.

Talk to our team today, and they’ll get you access to try the app for free for a limited time. You’ll be able to explore the content, upload your own, and even assign lessons for up to four team members to see how it’ll work for you.

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